You can try out lit-html without installing anything using an online editor. Below are links to a simple lit-html starter project in some popular online editors:
lit-html is written in and distributed as standard JavaScript modules. Modules are increasingly supported in JavaScript environments and have shipped in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
To use lit-html, import it via a path:
import {html, render} from './node_modules/lit-html/lit-html.js';
The JavaScript import statement only works inside module scripts (<script type="module">), which can be inline scripts (as shown above) or external scripts.
The path to use depends on where you've installed lit-html. Browsers only support importing other modules by path, not by package name, so without other tools involved, you'll have to use paths.
If you use a tool that converts package names into paths, then you can import by package name:
import {html, render} from'lit-html';
For simplicity, the examples in these docs use package names (also known as node-style module specifiers).
See Tools for information on build tools and dev servers you can use to convert node-style module specifiers to browser-style module specifiers.
Why JavaScript modules? For more information on why lit-html is distributed using JavaScript modules, see JavaScript Modules.