
This package is part of the Lit Labs family of experimental packages. See the Lit Labs page for guidance on using Labs software in production.

Signals are data structures for managing observable state.

A signal can hold either a single value or a computed value that depends on other signals. Signals are observable, so that a consumer can be notified when they change. Because they form a dependency graph, computed signals will re-compute and notify consumers when their dependencies change.

Signals are very useful for modeling and managing shared observable state—state that many different components may access and/or modify. When a signal is updated, every component that uses and watches that signal, or any signals that depend on it, will update.

Signals are a general concept, with many different implementations and variations found in JavaScript libraries and frameworks. There is also now a TC39 proposal to standardize signals as part of JavaScript.

Signal APIs typically have three main concepts:

  • State signals, which hold a single value
  • Computed signals, which wrap a computation that may depend on other signals
  • Watchers or effects, which run side-effectful code when signal values change

Here is an example of signals with the proposed standard JavaScript signals API:

There are many signal implementations built in JavaScript. Many are tightly integrated into frameworks and only usable from within those frameworks, and some are standalone libraries that are usable from any other code.

While there are some differences in the specific signals APIs, they are quite similar.

Preact's signal library, @preact/signals, is a standalone library that is relatively fast and small, so we built our first Lit Labs signals integration package around it: @lit-labs/preact-signals.

Because of the strong similarities between signal APIs, the increasing use of signals to implement reactivity in frameworks, and the desire for interoperability between signal-using systems, a proposal for standardizing signals is now underway in TC39 at

Lit provides the @lit-labs/signals package to integrate with the official polyfill for this proposal.

This proposal is very exciting for the web components ecosystem. Because all libraries and frameworks that adpot the standard will produce compatible signals, different web components won't have to use the same library to interoperably consume and produce signals.

What's more, signals have the potential to become the foundation for a wide range of state management systems and observability libraries, new or existing. Each of these libraries, like MobX or Redux, currently requires a specific adapter to ergonomically integrate with the Lit lifecycle. Signals standardization could mean we eventually need only one Lit adapter (or no adapter at all, when support for signals is built into the core Lit library).

Lit currently provides two signals integration packages: @lit-labs/signals for integration with the TC39 Signals Proposal, and @lit-labs/preact-signals for integration with Preact Signals.

Because the TC39 Signals Proposal promises to be the one signal API that JavaScript systems converge on, we recommend using it, and will focus on its usage in this document.

Install @lit-labs/signals from npm:

@lit-labs/signals provides three main exports:

  • The SignalWatcher mixin to apply to all classes using signals
  • The watch() template directive to watch individual signals with pinpoint updates
  • The html template tag to apply the watch directive automatically to template bindings

Import these like so:

@lit-labs/signals also exports some of the polyfilled signals API for convenience, and a withWatch() template tag factory so that developers who need custom template tags can easily add signal-watching functionality.

This simplest way to use signals is to apply the SignalWatcher mixin when defining your Custom Element class. With the mixin applied, you can read signals in Lit lifecycle methods (like render()); any changes to the values of those signals will automatically initiate an update. You can write signals wherever it makes sense—for example, in event handlers.

In this example, the SharedCounterComponent reads and writes to a shared signal. Every instance of the component will show the same value, and they will all update when the value changes.

Signals can also be used to achieve "pinpoint" DOM updates targeting individual bindings rather than an entire component. To do this, we need to watch signals individually with the watch() directive.

For coordination purposes, updates triggered by the watch() directive are batched and still participate in the Lit reactive update lifecycle. However, when a given Lit update has been triggered purely by watch() directives, the only bindings updated are those with changed signals; the rest of the bindings in the template are skipped.

This example is the same as the previous, but only the ${watch(count)} binding is updated when the count signal changes:

Note that the work avoided by this pinpoint update is actually very little: the only things skipped are the identity check for the template returned by render() and the value check for the @click binding, both of which are cheap.

In fact, in most cases watch() will not result in a significant performance improvement over "plain" Lit template renders. This is because Lit already only updates the DOM for bindings that have changed values.

The performance savings of watch() will tend to scale with the amount of template logic and the number of bindings that can be skipped in an update, so savings will be more significant in templates with lots of logic and bindings.

@lit-labs/signals does not yet contain a signal-aware repeat() directive. Changes to the contents of arrays will perform full renders until then.

Auto-pinpoint updates with the signals html template tag

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@lit-labs/signals also exports a special version of Lit's html template tag that automatically applies the watch() directive to any signal value passed to a binding.

This can be convenient to avoid the extra characters of the watch() directive or the signal.get() calls required without watch().

If you import html from @lit-labs/signals instead of from lit, you will get the auto-watching feature:

The signals html tag doesn't yet work well with lit-analyzer. The analyzer will report type errors on bindings that use signals becuase it sees an assigment of Signal<T> to T.

@lit-labs/signals includes the signal-polyfill package as a dependency, so you don't need to explicitly install anything else to start using signals.

But since signals rely on a shared global data structure (the signal dependency graph), it's critically important that the polyfill is installed properly: there can be only one copy of the polyfill package in any page or app.

If more than one copy of the polyfill is installed (either because of incompatible versions or other npm mishaps) then it's possible to partition the signal graph so that some watchers will not work with some signals, or some signals will not be tracked as dependencies of others.

To prevent this, be sure to check that there's only one installation of signal-polyfill, using the npm ls command:

If you see more than one listing for signal-polyfill without deduped next to the line, then you have duplicate copies of the polyfill.

You can usually fix this by running:

If that doesn't work, you may have to update dependencies until you get a single compatible version of signal-polyfill across your package installation.

@lit-labs/signals is not feature-complete. There are a few envisioned features that will make working with signals in Lit more viable and performant:

  • [ ] A signal-aware repeat() directive. This will make incremental updates to arrays more efficient.
  • [ ] A @property() decorator that uses signals for storage, to unify reactive properties and signals. This will make it easier to use generic signal utilities with Lit reactive properties.
  • [ ] A @computed() decorator for marking methods as computed signals. Since computed signals are memoized, this can help with expensive computations.
  • [ ] An @effect() decorator for marking methods as effects. This can be a more ergonomic way of running effects than using a separate utility.

The signal-utils npm package contains a number of utilities for working with the TC39 Signals Proposal, including:

  • Signal-backed, observable, collections like Array, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, and Object
  • Decorators for building classes with signal-backed fields
  • Effects and reactions

These collections and decorators are useful for building observable data models from signals, where you will often need to manage values more complicated than a primitive.

For instance, you can make an observable array:

Reading from the array, like iterating over it or reading .length will be tracked as signal access, and mutations of the array, like from .push() or .pop(), will notify any watchers.

The decorators let you model a class with observable fields, much like a LitElement:

Instances of this GameState class will be tracked by SignalWatcher classes that access it, and will update when the game state changes.

This package is part of the Lit Labs family of experimental packages and under active development. There may be missing features, serious bugs in the implementation, and more frequent breaking changes than with the core Lit libraries.

This package also relies on a proposal and polyfill that themselves are not stable. As the signals proproposal progresses, breaking changes may be made to the proposed API, which will then be made to the polyfill.

We encourage cautious use in order for us to gain experience with and get feedback on the Lit integration layer, but please manage dependencies carefully and test judiciously so that unexpected breaking changes are kept to a minimum.

Please leave feedback on the @lit-labs/signals feedback discussion, and file any issues you encounter.

Feedback on the Signals proposal can be left on the Signals proposal repository. Issues with the polyfill can be filed here.